39. That does't matter now, mum
Dec 19, 2023
You are going through life and all is well. Instantly, it all changed and you were on your knees, feeling lost with no idea how life goes on without your loved one.
Hi, I am Janet Jones, founder of Happiness Millionaire. I have recently started talking to a rock! This helps me navigate the next chapter of my life, the chapter without my 22-year-old son, Murray. Join me with my musings about life, grief, and loss with my rock, Sylvia-Rose. To learn why she is called Sylvia-Rose and how and why we met, I invite you to read my first blog - 'If Rocks Could Talk, Meet Sylvia-Rose'. You could also register to have these blogs delivered to your email inbox so you never miss them. Click the FOLLOW SYLVIA-ROSE button.
18th Feb, 2022
SR - Hey. Good to see you again.
Jan - You too. It looks like rain is on its way.
SR - Yes. Time for my shower instead of a bath
How are you today?

Jan - I was almost taken down on the way here.
SR - I saw that. You were almost here.
Jan - I began thinking of Murray’s passing and his last moments. I saw the black pit of grief open up. So I stopped in my tracks, in the pebbly sand around my feet, and listened to the lapping of the sea. Wrapping my arms around me and closing my eyes, I felt Murray’s presence and him whispering in my ear, ‘That doesn’t matter now, mum.’
SR - Ah, he came to your rescue.
Jan - He did. I had a moment to be with him and slow my breathing down with some slow, deep breaths and slowly the grip of the darkness let go.
SR - You are finding your power.
Jan - I want to keep growing, Sylvia-Rose. I want to feel at peace. When I grow and feel peace, so do Iona, Lewis, and Murray.
SR - That is all part of being a mother. Your mother’s love continues, no matter where your children are, here or far.
Jan - That is true. It changes. It deepens. When your child passes, it deepens even more. It feels like their love for you deepens too.
SR - That is beautiful. What is life for if it isn’t love?
Jan - Exactly. I think we will leave it with that thought and I will take it into my day.
SR - Blessings for your day, Jan.