42. That patience thing again
Dec 30, 2023
You are going through life and all is well. Instantly, it all changed and you were on your knees, feeling lost with no idea how life goes on without your loved one.
Hi, I am Janet Jones, founder of Happiness Millionaire. Welcome to my conversations with my rock on the beach, Sylvia-Rose. She helps me navigate the next chapter of my life, the chapter without my 22-year-old son, Murray. Join these musings about life, grief, and loss with my rock, Sylvia-Rose. To learn why she is called Sylvia-Rose and how and why we met, I invite you to read my first blog - 'If Rocks Could Talk, Meet Sylvia-Rose'. You could also register to have these blogs delivered to your email inbox so you never miss them. Click the FOLLOW SYLVIA-ROSE button.
April 4th, 2022
The journey of grief has highs and lows. It requires patience in the lows and witnessing the highs so you can have faith in the lows. Sylvia Rose helps me make sense of that.
Jan - Morning, SR.
SR - Good Morning. You are getting earlier.
Jan - Yes. Benefiting from the light mornings and the tide being out.
SR - How are you doing? You look quite melancholic.
Jan - Feeling quite thoughtful. As you know, I meditate before sleep and when I wake up plus the Ho’oponopono prayer. I feel a little dazed, not so much spring in my step. I guess things have slowed down a little and I am having more thinking time.
SR - Try to just be. Be present. The world IS opening up for you. You must be patient. Keep showing up. You don’t look convinced.
Jan - Yes. I am. It is that patience thing again. We have had this conversation. These past couple of months, I have had things to focus my mind on. I still have plenty to focus on but sometimes life goes in and out of focus. When that happens, the sadness comes back. Perhaps it never really goes.
SR - Life does go in and out of focus. That is a good way of putting it and why you must just be. If you don’t surrender, be patient and just be, there is a strong chance you could wind up focusing on the wrong thing and forcing something to happen. Doing that will create the wrong thing and won’t serve you or anyone else. Feel life from your heart.
Jan - Yes. The heart knows, doesn’t it?
SR - It does, even your battered and bruised one. In fact, a battered and bruised one probably knows the most.
Jan - I guess. As the heart gets battered it tends to grow in size.
SR - If the person allows it and can sense that happening. Some people can shut down and even die from a broken heart.
Jan - I can definitely see how that might happen. In our last chat, I said how I had a ‘heavy heart’. My friend, Heidi Dawson, asked what Murray and The Happiness Millionaire would say about that and what purpose it is serving. I have been giving a lot of thought and feeling into it. Being the 'Happiness Millionaire' comes with a lot of pressure.
SR - I can see that. For now, let that go. What thoughts have you come up with?
Jan - Mmmm… Murray would hug me and say he was sorry. I know that. He would say he was very, very sorry. He would probably also give me a lecture about how you only live once and not waste a moment. The Happiness Millionaire would say the same.
SR - What do you think of that advice?
Jan - I couldn’t agree more. That is easier said than done. What does it mean not to waste a moment? Should I be rushing around trying to achieve great things, and live out my dreams?
SR - You are achieving great things. No need to rush. Like I said earlier. Be present. Everything has its own timing whether you stress yourself out with rushing or whether you are just present and do what you believe you are meant to do.
Jan - Wise words. It is so easy to feel like you are wasting precious time being present. It is also easy to beat yourself up because you don't feel you are 'healing' quickly enough. Whatever that means!
SR - The meaning of 'healing' is so personal and everyone heals differently. I have said it before, be patient. You know, being present doesn’t mean doing nothing. It just means living with awareness. Recognising your sad heart needs you to be present so you can take care of it in a healthy way. Rushing and not being present for that could lead you to do many unhelpful things like eating food that will change your state in an attempt to make you happier, possibly drinking or staying in bed. I think you have been there not so long ago. You are living with much more awareness now and look how things have started to change.
Jan - This is true. Heidi, also asked how a heavy heart is serving me.
SR - What do you think?
Jan - I was hoping you might tell me 

SR - I can’t tell you everything!
Jan - I guess a heavy heart is low in energy and that doesn’t serve me in healing and living joyfully as I want to.
SR - It doesn’t but it doesn’t mean you should ignore it either. If you ignore it and berate yourself when your heart feels heavy, and it will from time to time, then you are likely to slip back on your emotional growth journey.
Jan - Very true.
SR - You must recognise it, nurture it, and be your heart’s best friend. Hug your heart. Let your heart know that you understand and you will help it feel safe again.
You’ve got this. You know you do.
Jan - I do. I wish someone else could carry it for a while. My heart is heavy.
SR - No you don’t. Your son is in there and he wants you to become more than you were before from growing your heavy heart into the light, beautiful heart you know it can be and has been as the light flickers on your journey.
Jan - Yes. That light is love. I know that. If I know that, why do I let it dim?
SR - One day you won’t. You are in the process of learning to live with love and light.
Jan - It is quite a lesson. Does the light ever stay on?
SR - The light is always on, it is just sometimes the darkness can be so dark you can’t see it. You now know the light is there. Stay in the light. Stay in the love of life. You can reduce the darkness once you know of the light.
Jan - I understand all of that. I guess it is about trusting the light. Trusting the love. The greater love.
SR - Yes, Jan. The love that shines within. Within you and everyone. You better go now. This is a lot for you to think of and process.
Jan - It certainly is.
SR - Be kind to yourself. Nurture your heart and trust in the love and light of life. You’ve got this.
Jan - I’ve got this
Thanks again, Sylvia-Rose. I am leaving you feeling lighter and happier. Thank you. 

SR - It is my joy to help you. Now go!