40. When life changes unexpectedly just dive in
Dec 19, 2023
You are going through life and all is well. Instantly, it all changed and you were on your knees, feeling lost with no idea how life goes on without your loved one.
Hi, I am Janet Jones, founder of Happiness Millionaire. I have recently started talking to a rock! This helps me navigate the next chapter of my life, the chapter without my 22-year-old son, Murray. Join me with my musings about life, grief, and loss with my rock, Sylvia-Rose. To learn why she is called Sylvia-Rose and how and why we met, I invite you to read my first blog - 'If Rocks Could Talk, Meet Sylvia-Rose'. You could also register to have these blogs delivered to your email inbox so you never miss them. Click the FOLLOW SYLVIA-ROSE button.
15th of March, 2022
SR - Hey. Look who’s here!!!
Jan - I know. Sorry. I have been away. I got some work in Panama!
SR - Work AND Panama. That is exciting. What changed?
Jan - You know I have been meditating and releasing past hurts with The Ho’oponopono?
SR - Yes?
Jan - I guess they started to work. As the pain was released and joy flowed in my heart, the opportunity seemed to find its way to me. The best part was, I was ready to say YES! I didn’t think I would ever be ready. I thought I was heading for a life of pain and juggling that pain. Regularly told I would never 'get over' this.
SR - That is great. What was the job?
Jan - Oh, sorry, it was speaking about happiness and success!
SR - That is amazing given where you had come from. How did you feel talking about happiness knowing what had happened and how your heart felt?
Jan - My heart still hurt for missing Murray but I felt him in me. It was an opportunity to live and to live in an exciting way. Murray wants to live and the only way he can live is through the people he loves. I think it is even more profound, given that he came from me. Mothers have the privilege of having their children’s DNA within them. That is quite a thought.
SR - It is. What now?
Jan - Time to discover MORE about happiness and to go back to speaking and sharing. I am going to be doing that both online and offline. If it helps people, that is great but we find that we teach the thing we need to learn. It is time for me to learn more, and grow more inside, which means I will grow outside too. Well, my life will. I am on the downward slide now 

SR - That sounds very empowering.
Jan - It is. That is how I feel. I have had the dips since I got back, I won’t lie. The weather has been awful and I got used to being part of a group. I am now back to being alone. That is OK, though. I see what I want to change and now I feel I have the courage to change things. I can sense my purpose emerging.
SR - Purpose is essential. You must know why you are getting up in the morning and how your life will impact on others. I am excited to see what comes next!
Jan - Me too!! I am not going to run before I can walk. I know I have more healing or more embracing of my new self. As we once said, I am already healed. There are more past hurts to forgive and let go. I am enjoying doing that work.
SR - This is lovely to hear the excitement and enlightened future outlook. Keep going lovely one. The answers are within and life is beautiful.
Jan - That is true. I have been getting myself bogged down with the woes of the world with the bad weather and watching too many YouTube videos talking of the impending financial and social doom!! I have decided to turn off all media and focus on the love inside.
SR - At the end of the day, love is all there is.
Jan - Yes. Love is even behind fear. That is a conversation for another day. My fingers are freezing now!!
SR - You will be missing Panama!
Jan - my fingers are 

SR - Bye for now. Don’t leave it so long next time!
Jan - I won’t. Unless I get whisked off to somewhere exciting again.
SR - I hope you do.
Jan - Bye Sylvia- Rose, always great to chat.